Ener­gy manage­ment 4.0
with I3DEnergy

Dis­co­ver the future of ener­gy manage­ment. Book a demo now and expe­ri­ence how I3DEnergy revo­lu­tio­ni­s­es your ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy.

Book a gui­ded demo now
Energy management platform by I3DEnergy GmbH

Our net­work /​ sup­port­ed by:

I3D network - HessenIdeen
I3D network - hessianAI
I3D network - TU Darmstadt
I3D network - Highest

Our cus­to­mer:

I3D reference customer - Stada

Boost your ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and impro­ve your envi­ron­men­tal foot­print with I3DEnergy

I3DEnergy is your trus­ted part­ner for smart ener­gy manage­ment.

Our AI-sup­port­ed plat­form, the result of years of rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, offers a com­pre­hen­si­ve solu­ti­on for busi­nesses and muni­ci­pa­li­ties loo­king to enhan­ce their ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and envi­ron­men­tal foot­print. With the capa­ci­ty to pro­cess up to 380 mil­li­on data points dai­ly, our plat­form enables auto­ma­ted CO2 accoun­ting and AI-dri­ven ope­ra­tio­nal opti­mi­sa­ti­on.

We under­stand the chal­lenges of the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on and its asso­cia­ted com­ple­xi­ty. That’s why we have deve­lo­ped a plat­form that allows you to make infor­med data-dri­ven decis­i­ons amidst the com­ple­xi­ty of Big Data. We make com­plex ener­gy data intui­tively acces­si­ble through uni­que data visua­li­sa­ti­on.

With the I3DEnergy plat­form, you enhan­ce your pro­cess effi­ci­en­cy in ener­gy manage­ment, redu­ce ener­gy cos­ts and CO2 emis­si­ons, con­tri­bu­ting signi­fi­cant­ly to addres­sing the ener­gy and cli­ma­te cri­sis and boos­ting your sus­taina­bi­li­ty.

Bene­fit from modern, digi­tal ener­gy manage­ment wit­hout having to build your own exper­ti­se in CO2 accoun­ting and AI-dri­ven ope­ra­tio­nal opti­mi­sa­ti­on.

The bene­fits of our I3D ener­gy solu­ti­on

Com­pre­hen­si­ve data manage­ment:
Our plat­form takes over the com­ple­te data manage­ment of your ener­gy moni­to­ring data, from coll­ec­tion to sto­rage, aggre­ga­ti­on, and ana­ly­sis.

Comprehensive data management
Integration of energy measurement devices

Inte­gra­ti­on of ener­gy mea­su­re­ment devices:
Our plat­form enables the inte­gra­ti­on of ener­gy mea­su­re­ment devices regard­less of the manu­fac­tu­rer. The pos­si­bi­li­ty to crea­te vir­tu­al mea­su­re­ment devices also increa­ses your trans­pa­ren­cy wit­hout addi­tio­nal invest­ments.

Avo­id­ance of ener­gy was­ta­ge:
Inef­fi­ci­ent ener­gy con­sump­ti­on is quick­ly iden­ti­fied through intui­ti­ve data visua­li­sa­ti­on and AI sup­port, expan­ding your dai­ly rou­ti­ne. If you see red-colou­red are­as, action is requi­red.

Avoidance of energy wastage
Automated CO2 accounting

Auto­ma­ted CO2 accoun­ting:
The auto­ma­ted and con­ti­nuous accoun­ting of CO2 emis­si­ons forms the basis for sus­taina­bi­li­ty report­ing under EU taxo­no­my regu­la­ti­ons, ESG or CSRD report­ing obli­ga­ti­ons.

The main fea­tures of our I3DEnergy solu­ti­on

Einzigartige intuitive Datenvisualisierung
Click to enlar­ge the image
Einzigartige intuitive Datenvisualisierung
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Unique intuitive data visualisation

Our plat­form offers intui­ti­ve and inter­ac­ti­ve data visua­li­sa­ti­on. We pro­ject your ener­gy data and CO2 emis­si­ons onto Open­Street­Map or any maps, plans, or flo­or plans you pro­vi­de.

CO2 Bilanzierung über alle Energieformen
Click to enlar­ge the image
CO2 Bilanzierung über alle Energieformen
Click on the image to clo­se

CO2 accounting across all forms of energy

With I3DEnergy, you can auto­ma­te CO2 accoun­ting across all forms of ener­gy, ther­eby impro­ving your envi­ron­men­tal foot­print.

Kontinuierliche Betriebsoptimierung mit KI
Click to enlar­ge the image
Kontinuierliche Betriebsoptimierung mit KI
Click on the image to clo­se

Continuous operational optimisation with AI

Our uni­que opti­mi­sa­ti­on algo­rithm uses the fle­xi­bi­li­ties of your own gene­ra­ti­on, your ener­gy purchase/​electricity or gas pri­ces, to meet your ener­gy needs in a way that mini­mi­ses ener­gy cos­ts and CO2 emis­si­ons.

Sounds exci­ting and you want to learn more?

Book an appoint­ment now

Intro­duc­tion to our proof of con­cept from rese­arch to prac­ti­ce

The rese­arch pro­ject from which I3DEnergy emer­ged repres­ents a mile­stone in the deve­lo­p­ment of ener­gy manage­ment solu­ti­ons.

Con­cei­ved and imple­men­ted by the I3DEnergy team at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Darm­stadt, a plat­form was deve­lo­ped that pro­vi­des maxi­mum trans­pa­ren­cy over ener­gy con­sump­ti­on and CO2 emis­si­ons. With a Big Data approach, it enables auto­ma­ted CO2 accoun­ting and inte­gra­tes AI-dri­ven ope­ra­tio­nal opti­mi­sa­ti­on, con­ti­nuous­ly enhan­cing ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and sus­taina­bi­li­ty.

The suc­cessful imple­men­ta­ti­on of this Proof of Con­cept has not only demons­tra­ted the mar­ket need for such a solu­ti­on but also laid the foun­da­ti­on for the estab­lish­ment of I3DEnergy. The impres­si­ve added value of the pro­ject unders­cores the effec­ti­ve­ness and poten­ti­al of our plat­form in addres­sing the ener­gy and cli­ma­te cri­sis.

Case stu­dy of the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Darm­stadt

Case study by I3DEnergy - capturing millions of data points

380 mil­li­on data points
per day through a Big Data approach

… are cap­tu­red for CO2 accoun­ting of all buil­dings across all ener­gy car­ri­ers.

Case study by I3DEnergy - reduced reporting effort

90 % redu­ced
report­ing effort

… through auto­ma­ted data manage­ment.

Case study of the Technical University of Darmstadt - I3DEnergy

Seve­ral 10.000 €
redu­ced ener­gy cos­ts

Case study by I3DEnergy - energy cost reduction

… by iden­ti­fy­ing undis­co­ver­ed inef­fi­ci­en­ci­es.

Up to 12 %
iden­ti­fied CO2 savings poten­ti­al

Case study of I3DEnergy - CO2 savings

… through AI opti­mi­sa­ti­on at zero addi­tio­nal cos­ts.

I3DEnergy GmbH from Frank­furt am Main

The team behind I3DEnergy is more than just a group of pro­fes­sio­nals; we are inno­va­tors, thin­kers, and pas­sio­na­te advo­ca­tes for the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on.

With a diver­se back­ground encom­pas­sing exper­ti­se in are­as such as ener­gy manage­ment, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, data sci­ence, and sus­taina­bi­li­ty, we are com­mit­ted to revo­lu­tio­ni­s­ing the way busi­nesses and muni­ci­pa­li­ties mana­ge ener­gy. We belie­ve in the power of digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on and tech­no­lo­gy to dri­ve posi­ti­ve chan­ge, and we are proud that our plat­form con­tri­bu­tes to sol­ving the ener­gy and cli­ma­te cri­sis.

Get to know our team and dis­co­ver how we can shape a more sus­tainable future tog­e­ther.

The team and exper­ti­se behind I3DEnergy

Team of I3DEnergy - expertise of Rachel Maier

Rachel Mai­er

M.Sc. Energy Science and Engineering

Ener­gy sys­tem design, model­ling and opti­mi­sa­ti­on, long-term invest­ment plan­ning and short-term ope­ra­tio­nal opti­mi­sa­ti­on

Role at I3DEnergy:
Ener­gy Sys­tem Opti­mi­sa­ti­on and Ener­gy Data Ana­lyst

Team of I3DEnergy - expertise of Christopher Ripp

Chris­to­pher Ripp

Technical Physics

Digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on in ener­gy manage­ment, CO2 accoun­ting, sus­taina­bi­li­ty report­ing, Ener­gy Mana­ger (TÜV) accor­ding to ISO 50001

Role at I3DEnergy:
CEO and Digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on Con­sul­tant

Team of I3DEnergy - expertise of Imed Tayeche

Imed Taye­che

M.Sc. Electrical and
Information Technology

UX design, cus­tom data visua­li­sa­ti­on and inte­gra­ti­on of geo-data, deve­lo­p­ment of AI models for demand fore­cas­ting

Role at I3DEnergy:
Web Deve­lo­per and Ener­gy Data Ana­lyst

Team of I3DEnergy - expertise of Richard Säuberlich

Richard Säu­ber­lich

B.Sc. Electrical and
Information Technology

Secu­re machi­ne-to-machi­ne com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, use of mea­su­re­ment com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on pro­to­cols, ser­ver & data­ba­se ope­ra­ti­ons

Role at I3DEnergy:
IT Infra­struc­tu­re and Secu­ri­ty

Sounds exci­ting and you want to get to know us?

Book an appoint­ment now

Cont­act us

If you are inte­res­ted in our ener­gy manage­ment soft­ware, the easie­st way is to book an appoint­ment online for a con­sul­ta­ti­on and gui­ded demo.

Alter­na­tively, you can also use our cont­act form
or the cont­act details lis­ted below.

We look for­ward to hea­ring from you!

Your team at

I3DEnergy GmbH

Böh­mer­stras­se 53
60322 Frank­furt

Pho­ne: +49 69 870090920
Mail: info@i3denergy.de

LinkedIn page of I3DEnergy GmbH

Cont­act Form